Why Tariquet Wine?
Domaine du Tariquet is probably the first winemaker to have made wines in the New World style long before there was a name for it.
A piece of history: France, after the 1st World War where wines played a big part in the morale of the troops, and after the enormous scientific knowledge accumulated during the dramatic Phylloxera crisis from the end of the 19th century, France went strongly into winemaking research and by the 1930s had defined thoroughly the most modern winemaking methods (Cloning, Temperature control, scientific yeasts, no oxidisation, stainless steel, new oak, etc.)
From then on, this method was the only official one being taught in the New Faculties of Oenology in various French Universities. French winemakers were sending their kids to learn and come back to the family showcasing their newfound winemaking techniques. This wasn’t always taken in the right way, with many progenies swearing that everything would continue with the tried and proven ancient methods (Malolactic, oxidized mediocre wines often). Contrary to most, Domaine du Tariquet applied the new methods from the beginning of the fifties and produced wines soon very brilliant. But they were received with doubt and mockery for being so different from the usual dinosaur wines. They stuck to their guns, improved the academic methods through experience and are now one of the most admired large producers worldwide.
Years later, wine connaisseurs investing in vineyards in Australia, California, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, etc. went to the French universities, came back and practised their new knowledge, also improving the method as they have done for the last 30 years.
Try a Tariquet, travel through history and discover 66 years of modern winemaking, with their exclusive touch !!
“Source: spiritsoffrance.com.au”